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College of Nursing Application

Login Assistance

If you receive an error message like "this account is blocked" or "this username already exists with this email," contact the website administrator, Chris DiPadova, at with your username and email. Please DO NOT send your password!

If you are having trouble logging in, here are a few things to check on:

  • Your username and password should be your FlashLine username (without the and password.
  • Double check that you are using the correct FlashLine username and password by logging into with the same credentials you used to log into this website.
  • If you were recently accepted to Kent State, make sure that you have changed your FlashLine password from the default password provided to you (see this page for instructions).
  • Try logging in from a different browser, computer, and/or mobile device.

For any other login issues, please contact Chris DiPadova at with your username and email.