Reclaiming Self: Making Time for Yourself

By Jan Hornford, Future Perfect Coach
Special to NurseZone

It often seems that our days are engulfed in a myriad of tasks. Today we have many responsibilities and many roles—spouse, parent, sibling, child, friend, and career worker. Do you find you lose yourself in your relationships, in your nurturing roles, and in the busyness of life? Does it seem like your life has become a series of tasks to complete, rather than moments to enjoy? We often get so caught up in the doing that we forget to be.
Usually the first thing to go in this whirlwind of activity is time for ourselves. Lack of time for ourselves often leads to feeling frustrated, tired, overwhelmed and out of balance. Without this time for self, we lose sight of what's important to us and of what we need to be our best. Read more at:
